(2:00) RFKj leaves — but must choose between his mate and his running mate
Rumors are his actress wife is adamant he NOT endorse Trump
Remember when RFKj's wife required all Christmas guests to be vaxed & tested?
"Earth-Shattering Political Move, Making It Nearly Impossible for Democrats to Steal the Election" screams the MAGA press. But will an RFKj endorsement make a difference in the race?
(16:42) RFKj as HHS Secretary?
Remember what happened during the transition in 2017?
The amazing power and scope of HHS
What's REALLY going on at the Federal Agencies and why isn't THIS being discussed?
(37:24) Trump's Trap for Homeschoolers — Government Help
"I'm from the government, I'm here to help." How can government help homeschoolers without entrapping them with money that will ultimately be used to control them?
(47:42) Bilderberg Will Control the President…here's why
(1:03:26) Epstein and his mentor Les Wexner who said he's demon possessed and curiously went to great lengths to explain HOW the demon controls him
(1:16:06) "Those who hate me, love death" — the perfect epithet of the DNC Convention
Oprah Winfrey has a dream — the American Dream is dead unless you kill your baby
Oprah's New Age religion and the prominent MAGA cheerleader who sells a version of it
Trump says he will make it a federal crime to gender mutilate a minor WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT. Do you see the TWO problems?
One woman's story of being driven to suicide by "phalloplasty"
(1:40:08) Government FINALLY Admits Fluoride Harms IQ Like Lead
What did they do to prepare for damage control?
How does AP spin the story?
What does the CDC say?
New Covid vaccines approved!
Woman dies in hospital and her body disappears for a year — family sues
(1:47:43) Journalist criticizes UK new terrorist laws — and is promptly arrested as a terrorist! WATCH him tell what they did to him
(2:02:24) INTERVIEW Political Musical Chairs: RFKj Leaves, Kamala Coronated Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com, on
Gold is safest bet and looking even better
What impact will RFKj's leaving the race have?
Kamala's 2 key issues she's focused on in her coronation speech last night
Is there a glimmer of hope for peace in Ukraine with Germany pulling back? Will they pull back?
…and more
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