(2:00) The Hero of the Trump Shooting
Over $2 Million raised (Trump uses other people's money) for the hero
Trump meme coins and his odds to win soar
MSM disregards as "noise" and Trump "falling down", but what about the near blackout of info on the one hero at the event?
Here's why we call him a hero…
(19:16) It's NO SECRET: DEI and Failure at Biden's Secret Service
Like everything else in Biden Administration, Secret Service is DEI on steroids. Mission? Who cares? Everyone gets a participation trophy
Where's a cop when you need one at a rally?
Taken at face value, the incompetence is astounding — at what point does this level of incompetence become malicious
Will Trump do gun control — AGAIN? What did Reagan do?
Weaponized Psyops — never forget that assassinations, chaos, fear, false flags are the keys for totalitarian control
(59:53) Listener's questions — about Karen's condition, prayer, miracles
(1:07:08) Fearless Trump?
Op-Ed a "cutthroat shark" casino gangster is what USA needs —a Dictator Thug as a Savior Both parties crave a tough guy.
Does good fruit come from a bad tree?
Is winning all that matters? Can you trust a man without integrity?
RFKj doesn't even get Secret Service protection — maybe he's better off
"We just learned Trump is Super-Human, Trump is Defiant, Trump is the Chosen One"
Country music stars celebrate Trump as a bad-ass super hero. Why?
Trump, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod — three of a kind
(1:38:28) Where's a Cop When You Need One at a Rally?
Gun Control — coming from both left and right?
What happened with the Trump rally is perhaps the best argument AGAINST gun control
(1:50:21) Listener letters - Musk, CureVac
(1:57:03) Was It Luck or God's Provenance?
Bannon — "Trump wears the Armor of God"
Lindsey Graham, having called for assassination of Putin and many other leaders, is appalled
False prophets and joke accounts
(2:13:57) Civil War push
(2:22:44) Removing any discussion of issues before the RNC
Trump guts any discussion of issues from behind closed doors for his Reality TV show
(2:34:59) The Apprentice, VP Version and listener comments and questions
(2:41:55) If it's hotter, there's a reason — and it's NOT made-man
Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver
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