(2:00) Is Trump Taking a Chance on Vance or is He Playing JD Chess?
Who is this hillbilly whose reflections on life put "elegy" back into the dictionary?
Unlike most politicians, JD Vance has openly talked about what he thinks matters in life — and it's a mixed bag
From early connections to blue collar rust belt, to Iraq, to his billionaire technocrat mentors and partners
His evolving positions on issues — vaccines, lockdowns, climate change, energy, Ukraine, Israel, border, class warfare and more
What you need to know about JD Vance, who, for better or worse, is likely to be a big part of politics for years to come
Continued after interview
(1:01:05) INTERVIEW Cheating Death: Three-Time Presidential Secret Service Agent Lives to Tell You How
With 24 yrs experience serving under 3 presidents in the Secret Service, Ken Valentine comments on the recent shooting at the Trump event as strange details continue to emerge.
In his book "Cheating Death", Ken Valentine talks about lessons he learned in the corridors of wealth and power about the important things in life and what it takes to keep a family of 5 children together in a high pressure job — lessons that apply to every family
(1:42:13) JD Vance continued
issues like abortion, crypto, bitcoin, Ukraine, vaccines, Jan6
What gives meaning to life according to Vance?
Uniparty alert: Legislation introduced with Elizabeth Warren
(2:27:47) The Great Replacement
Crime tactics used in Venezuela come to New York City
20,000 Haitians overwhelm a small Ohio city of only 58,000
German welfare system is swamped — doubled — based on migrants
Schools teach the British Empire are Nazis, Americans are Nazis, just as they taught all Germans are Nazis
(2:37:06) After Trump Shooting, Conservatives Adopt "Speech is Violence" Tactic of the Left
Maybe Free Speech is more important than "targeting" the opposition
Can YOU tell the difference between allegorical speech and a threat? Breitbart and others pretend you can't
(2:41:11) Conspiracy Theories About Trump Shooting Given Life by Continuing Revelations About Incredible "Errors" That Keep Piling Up
Was it Biden? Trump? FBI?
What is driving the threats and violence? Are politicians being hoisted by their own megalomaniac "petards"? How do we change course?
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