(2:00) Senator Menendez Convicted — The Best Government Money Can Buy
What is his history of corruption?
Who was Menendez REALLY representing instead of the people of NJ?
How long could he go to jail?
What famous GOP Senator helped him get off before?
What does Musk pledge of $45 MILLION per month to Trump tell us?
(21:31) GamerGate — Entrapping Teens, Then Pre-Crime "Detention"
Around the time Trump was talking about red flag gun confiscation, he was announcing new initiatives with FBI and DOJ to flag and detain, PRE-CRIME, teens he thought has the POTENTIAL to be extreme, e.g. "white nationalists"
The psychological profiling includes entrapment and targeting kids via video games around ages 14-15
(1:01:30) Trump — From Ear to Eternity
Tucker Carlson, Todd Starnes, and MAGA say J13 was "spiritual warfare". Was it? Or is the RNC "spiritual warfare"? Prayers to pagan gods and porn star "influencer" honored with speaking position for kissing Trump's ring
(1:20:55) Mom Awakens in Hospital to Find Her Baby was Dismembered
NYT blames the abortion, without the mother being informed and without consent, on a pro-life law
Women's life is changed when she learns she's an abortion survivor
One SIMPLE thing you can do to improve your child's behavior and mental health
(1:36:09) RNC — Pink Elephants on Parade
Trump's PPP Convention (Pagan Prayers and Porn)
Trump/Vance "Anti-War" Position is a Head Fake
JD Vance's Ties to the Technocracy Define Him
(2:06:43) INTERVIEW Gard Goldsmith Gard Goldsmith, LibertyConspiracy.com @GardGoldsmith
JD Vance, central planning, class warfare, and minimum wage
GARM — NewsGuard type censorship via advertisers
RFKj and the Trump phone call about childhood vaccines
"Conservatives" embrace "hate speech crime"
How do we stay in touch with reality?
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