David, you're a wise man. Why do u think "they" make things so obvious that they "don't make sense". They want u to say it and comment that it doesn't make sense. Please resist the obvious. God bless you brother. JOKE:
Sherlock Holmes and Watson r on a train going by a large herd of cattle. Watson says to Holmes how many do u think they are? Holmes says exactly 1501. Watson says, by jove my man, how do u know? Holmes, "it's elementary my dear Watson, I counted their legs and divided by 4."
David, you're a wise man. Why do u think "they" make things so obvious that they "don't make sense". They want u to say it and comment that it doesn't make sense. Please resist the obvious. God bless you brother. JOKE:
Sherlock Holmes and Watson r on a train going by a large herd of cattle. Watson says to Holmes how many do u think they are? Holmes says exactly 1501. Watson says, by jove my man, how do u know? Holmes, "it's elementary my dear Watson, I counted their legs and divided by 4."